Sunday, October 4, 2009

In the bout of sobriety

So today I have broken the unhealthy tradition :)
Thanks to TheQuark for preservation of the original content, will modify the statement of theory accordingly. It seems my memory has started slowly dissolving in the blood alcohol :) 
What Vish has said is necessary for long term survival of our societal fabric. That's why all our lives, we are trained and rewarded for being considerate and courteous. But come on man, if all of us work towards love,peace and harmony, life would be too sickeningly sweet ;) 
Somebody has to be a Ravana, for Ram to be glorified, Vanar-Sena to be employed and Dasehra to be celebrated :)
Anyway, through the theory , I want to point out and laugh at the existence of multiple parallel standards of communication that we apply in our daily lives which complicate it to no end. One code of conduct for office, one for friends, one for family. Thank God I am yet to have entities called spouse and children in my life. I am not contesting the need or desirability of these standards, just want to highlight the burden of life in civilized world :)...but more on it sometime later. 
And yes,in view of the opinions of the esteemed readers, the author has decided to continue his mission of unashamedly free expression of opinion with absolute disregard towards finer tastes of readers and  discretion of language. Consequently dirty words like 'fuck' and so would be present in abundance in their purest form henceforth.
Still...I advice the seekers of the Ultimate Truth to watch out this space...for the pearls of wisdom are to be found in the shells of coarse talk.

1 comment:

  1. "Somebody has to be a Ravana, for Ram to be glorified, Vanar-Sena to be employeed & Dasehra to be celebrated :)" that why I told you not too laugh out loud on Dussehra, people might take it for return of the asura lord
